eCourse & eSeminar list

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Recognised CPT/CPD/OPT Hours

Unless otherwise specified, all eCourses and eSeminars are with a 90-day access period.

It is best to view our eLearning modules on computers or notebooks. Most of our elearning modules are compatible with tablet devices. We do not recommend viewing the content on Apple iPad or any mobile devices. Please click here and read the setup before enrolling in our eCourses.

Note: According to Paragraph 7.6 of the SFC's Guidelines on Continuous Professional Training, repeatedly undertaking the same CPT activity with the same content will not satisfy the CPT requirements.


Alternative Investment
Banking Services
Basic Accounting Theories
Business Conduct & Ethical Standards
Commodities, Derivatives and Structured Products
Compliance, Legislative & Regulatory Standards
Corporate Finance
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
eSeminar - CPT Bearing
Financial Markets
Financial Products & Associated Risk Management
Fixed Income and Debt
Foreign Exchange
Fundamental Economic Analysis
Investment and Portfolio Analysis
Wealth Management