Environmental, Social & Governance
[Webinar] Implications of Climate Change on Financial Institutions – Transition Risks
As the world braves more disruptive weather conditions due to global Climate Change, the negative effects could have substantial implications on companies’ operations and financial institutions in their investment and lending portfolios. As companies face the impact of Climate Change, two risks that are high on the list are Physical Risks and Transition Risks. Transition Risks are inherent in the adaptation strategy to a lower carbon environment. How companies deal with these risks could have major implications on the Bank’s lending strategies and risk/portfolio management.
- What are Transition Risks in Climate Change
- What are the implications on banks when their clients adapt to a lower carbon economy?
- Energy transition is a key element, and how are banks react to this in their day-to-day dealings with clients
- Besides energy transition, other “transitions” could be associated with Climate Change?
- What is the concept of “Just Transition”?
- Are there ways to measure and quantify Climate Transition Risks?
- What could be some of the ways banks/banks’ clients can manage these risks
- Case studies on transition risk implications on banks
- What could be factors to consider in minimising the risks to financial institutions
- What are the possible tools available to financial institutions to better manage transition risks
Who should attend
Corporate Banking RMs, Portfolio Managers, Investment Managers, Risk Managers, Finance & Control Managers, Compliance Officers, Sustainability Officers and Senior Management