Compliance, Legislative & Regulatory Standards

[Webinar] Disclosure of Interests – Practical Issues


This course summaries the legal framework of Disclosure of Interests (“DI”) and highlights new changes and updates. It will examine practical issues for DI reporting, exemptions available and shares common pitfalls in complying with DI requirements. Some recent DI enforcement cases will also be discussed to illustrate common breaches.


This course will introduce the legal framework of disclosure of interests (DI) in Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571). The DI regime requires directors, chief executives and substantial shareholders of companies listed in Hong Kong to disclose their interests in the companies’ securities. Failure to make a proper DI reporting is a criminal offence. The DI regime is extremely complex. Practically, the reporting of DI can be confusing and tedious and is subject to a high risk of inadvertent and technical breach. The seminar aims to clarify the practical issues in complying with the DI regime.


1. What is DI?
2. Why does DI matter?
3. Who is required to report DI under the SFO?
4. When should I report DI?
5. Where do I report DI?
6. How to apply the exemptions?
7. Recent development in DI

Who should attend

Senior management of listed companies, professional investors, SFC licensees and ROs and financial services professionals.

Speaker/Course Instructor

Donald LAI
Donald Lai, Contributing Editor to Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571): Commentary and Annotations (2019 Edition) Donald is a solicitor, certified public accountant and chartered company secretary. He spent most of his career in a statutory body. After earning his first degree in business administration in Canada, Donald obtained a part-time LLB degree with first-class honours at the City University of Hong Kong. In 2017, Donald completed the LLM program in Corporate and Financial Laws and graduated with distinction from the University of Hong Kong. Donald specialises in securities laws and is one of the contributing editors of the 2018 and 2019 editions of the SFO: Commentary and Annotations.


Date & Time
Wednesday, 9 Mar 2022 (6:30PM - 9:30PM)
Virtual Platform
SFC:3.00, PWMA:3.00