Regulatory Update Series
[Webinar] Update on Simplifying Compliance with Electronic Data Storage Requirements
Over eight months on from the release of the clarifying FAQs and subsequent industry implementation of the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)’s EDSP regulation, we discuss common challenges and opportunities it brings to the industry across sectors and according to the problems from LCs of varying sizes.
By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:
1. Recap on the background to the SFC's regulations on electronic data storage
2. Understand the requirements on international electronic data storage
3. Clarify actions that LCs should have taken and implemented into BAU to achieve compliance
4. Understand common challenges the industry has faced in its implementation, for example Regulatory Records held by overseas affiliates
5. Understand how potential solutions to common industry concerns have evolved throughout its implementation and compliance problems, for example, definition of Regulatory Records, what data must be in Hong Kong and audit requirements for the access maps
- Provide background to the SFC's recent regulations and FAQs with regards to electronic data storage
- Highlights of the SFC’s expectations on data storage and typical implementation approaches
- Simplified compliance for the fund management industry
- The implementation challenges in complying with the Circular and FAQs in practice, including how these challenges vary across LCs and size
- Practical difficulties of lineage across geographies and common solutions
- The (simplified) contents of an SFC Access Map and lessons learned from completing it, for varying sizes of LC
- How the access map and SFC's EDSP circular align with similar regulatory initiatives such as operational resilience and the HKMA's Secure Tertiary Data Backup Guideline
Who should attend
- Senior Management
- Compliance
- MICs
- Technology Risk, Technology Cloud and Operational Risk staff
- Those with responsibilities around Operational or Data Resilience