eSeminar - CPT Bearing
Green Bonds and Loans – An Introduction for Investors
The development of the green finance market has accelerated exponentially in the last few years since the introduction of the Green Bond Principles in 2014. In 2017, global issuance of green bonds reached more than US$150bln, driven in large part by growth in the Chinse market. The Hong Kong SAR government and regulators have recently lent tremendous support towards Green Finance.
On completing this eSeminar, you will be able to describe some of the questions investors may ask as they consider diversification into green finance.
‧ What exactly are green bonds?
‧ What are the reasons for investors to diversify in green finance?
‧ How do investors evaluate whether a green bond is actually green?
‧ How do the economics and credit of green bonds and loans differ from “vanilla” finance?
‧ Where is the market going in Hong Kong, China, and the rest of Asia?
Who should attend
This eSeminar is targeted to practitioners in the Financial Services industry who would like to understand more Green Finance.