[Webinar] Crypto Assets / Cyber Fraud – Are Civil Injunctions Effective Remedies?
(The webinar will be delivered via Zoom)
Where victims of crypto / cyber frauds are able to react in a prompt manner upon the discovery of fraud cases, they may be possible to recoup some of the scammed funds. What is the step to be taken for recovering their assets? Are civil injunctions effective remedies? What are their limitations though?
Participants of the webinar can know / advise their clients what to do if they had unfortunately become victims of crypto assets / cyber fraud.
— The criminal and civil regimes and their interactions.
— What is a letter of no consent?
— The evolving applications of the letter of no consent.
— Civil injunctions (proprietary and/or mareva).
— What are the current limitations?
— Practical advice.
The webinar is designed for asset managers, wealth managers, manager-in-charge, compliance officers, and financial practitioners who are interested in understanding more about crypto asset / cyber fraud.
資產財富管理業先導計劃 - 專業培訓資助計劃
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