eSeminar - CPT Bearing

“Inflation in the advanced economies – are we returning to the 1970s?”


This eSeminar is a recorded session of the ‘“Inflation in the advanced economies – are we returning to the 1970s?”’ webinar held on 3 August 2022.

In this eSeminar, Dr John Greenwood, a well-known monetary economist and famously known as the architect of Hong Kong’s currency peg, shared his unique perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent inflation. By analysing the recent cases of Inflations, he argued that the main cause for the phenomenon is the surge of money supply in advanced economies.


By the end of the eSeminar, you will be able to:
1. State the common explanations for inflation
2. Recall the recent cases of Inflation
3. Describe the outlook of the economy in the next few years


1. Explanations for inflation
2. Cases of previous inflations
3. Whether Inflation is “structural”
4. US or global recession – and when will it occur


Anyone who is interested in this topic.


Dr John Greenwood is the Chief Economist of International Monetary Monitor Ltd since 2022. Prior to this, he was the Chief Economist of Invesco Ltd. with responsibility for providing economic analysis and forecasts to Invesco portfolio managers and clients. He started his career in 1970 as a visiting research fellow at the Bank of Japan. In 1974 he joined GT Management as Chief Economist. The firm was acquired by Invesco in 1998. As editor of Asian Monetary Monitor in 1983, he proposed a currency board scheme for stabilising the Hong Kong dollar. He was a director of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Clearing Corporation for four years until 1991, and in 1992 became a council member of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, a position he held for twelve months. In that same year, he was an economic adviser to the Hong Kong Government. He has been a member of the Committee on Currency Board Operations of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority since 1998. He is also a member of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee in England, and he serves on the board of the Hong Kong Association in London.


第1類 - 證券交易
第2類 - 期貨合約交易
第3類 - 槓桿式外匯交易
第4類 - 就證券提供意見
第5類 - 就期貨合約提供意見
SFC:1.00, PWMA:1.00