[Webinar] Regulatory Series - HKEX: Building the Marketplace of the Future
Hear directly from Mr Nicolas Aguzin, Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) on HKEX’s vision of building the Marketplace of the Future.
During the fireside chat, Nicolas will share with us how HKEX facilitates the two-way capital flows between East and West, uses its scale and reputation as a platform to support its stakeholders, and captures the megatrend opportunities that are shaping markets and societies. Nicolas will also discuss how the strategic imperatives that HKEX has recently put in place will shape the development of Hong Kong as an international financial centre and global financial markets in the long term.
The event will be in hybrid format and moderated by Mr Colin Shaftesley, Chairman of HKSI Institute. Sign up for the webinar or luncheon now!
Webinar Only (with special pricing), 1:00pm-2:00pm
Member: HKD150
Student Member: HKD75
Non-Member: HKD300
Luncheon at Island Shangri-La, 11:45am-2:00pm (click here to register)
Corporate Table – Members (8 seats): HKD9,800 (inclusive of 10 webinar tickets)
Corporate Table – Non-Members (8 seats): HKD11,200 (inclusive of 10 webinar tickets)
Individual Ticket – Members: HKD1,300
Individual Ticket – Non-Members: HKD1,480
If have any enquiry on the webinar and/or bulk purchase offer (5 enrolments or above), please contact us at [email protected].
2013 年至 2020 年,歐冠昇為摩根大通亞太區首席執行官,負責領導該行在區內 17 個市場的業務,期間掌管摩根大通㇐些重要的業務拓展,包括成為少數在中國內地 提供全方位服務的國際銀行之㇐,其中全資擁有㇐家於當地註冊的商業銀行、控股 ㇐家證券公司、㇐家資產管理公司和㇐家期貨及期權公司。他擔任亞太區首席執行 官㇐職的同時,還負責亞太區的投資銀行部門。