Environmental, Social & Governance

[Webinar] ESG Digitalisation - What’s a Good Way to Structurally Manage ESG Data


ESG has become a mainstream issue. Data now moves across the globe in an instant. However, 80% of the world’s data is unstructured. Investors who can make the most out of these alternative data will be able to gain an advantage over their competitors. This webinar will provide insights on how investors and asset managers can capture consistent, reliable and up-to-date ESG data through digitalisation.


By the end of the webinar, participants will:
- Know how to obtain and interpret ESG data in both private and public markets from multiple sources and in different formats via a structured ESG framework
- Understand how ESG digitisation helps asset managers effectively implement their sustainable investing strategies


- Incorporating material ESG data with fundamental analysis
- Challenges for obtaining and interpreting ESG data in both private and public markets
- Best practices on effective ESG data management
- How technology could help, from data collection and management, to operating and monitoring, to reporting and engagement


The webinar is primarily targeted at asset managers, fund managers, investment professionals, and participants within the functions of compliance and risk management who are interested to know how to enhance ESG data management through digitisation.

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Clinton PANG
Mr. Pang is a Senior Manager of PwC team based in Hong Kong. He specialises in responsible investment and has advised on ESG strategy and investment framework development and implementation for a variety of PwC’s top alternative investment clients across Asia, including private equity, venture capital, private debt and distressed investors.

His M&A transactions experience which includes operational and carve-out due diligence, synergy assessment, TSA development, post deal integration and separation provide him with unique experience in strategic considerations for responsible investment and sustainable value creation throughout the investment lifecycle. Prior to joining PwC Deals Advisory, he served 4 years with PwC’s Assurance practice and led financial audits, advisory services for reverse takeover and sustainability audits for listed companies, SOE and conglomerates.
Ms. Ng is a climate and sustainability partner at PwC Hong Kong and a member of the Hong Kong Green Finance Association (HKGFA). As a thought leader and senior expert in sustainability, she leads Responsible Investments, M&A and ESG practices in financial services in the Asia Pacific region.

As the main person in charge of climate and sustainable development in the financial industry, Ms. Ng's and her team comprehensively cover various asset classes, across mainland, Hong Kong and international asset management institutions. She has provided a full range of Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) climate risk disclosure services for a number of Hong Kong and cross-border Type 9 licensed asset management companies, including climate governance structure design, full investment process integration and disclosure of climate risk, and climate risk disclosure. In addition, she has spearheaded multiple ESG due diligence practices for international private equity firms, provided ESG policy consulting and framework design for large investment institutions.


2022年8月17日, 星期三 (12:20下午 - 1:20下午)
第9類 - 提供資產管理
SFC:1.00, PWMA:1.00