[Webinar] Virtual Assets 360: What Asset Managers, Brokers, and Traders Need to Know to Succeed in Virtual Assets
In recent years, the virtual assets industry has grown rapidly. Asset managers, brokers, and traders have been evaluating virtual assets as a new investible asset class and trying to position them into a professional portfolio.
The course will help the participants to:
- Gain an understanding of how the risk/return profile of virtual assets fits into a professionally-managed portfolio
- Learn the logic behind the investment theses in driving continued interest in virtual asset
- Be able to identify the 4 types of risks in the virtual assets market and how to mitigate them
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the primary and secondary market landscape for virtual assets, and how to partner for success
- Be able to describe the benefits of using tokenisation for securitisation
- Position themselves or their firm to capture opportunities in the growing virtual assets industry
- Understand the regulatory landscape for virtual assets in Hong Kong and beyond
1. A quick review of industry history and recent market growth
2. Defining the virtual assets, including different asset sub-types (NFTs, securities, commodities, currency, etc.)
3. How to position virtual assets in a professional portfolio, including the current investment theses for the asset class
4. Investment products traded in the markets today
5. An overview of market sentiment and price drivers
6. An overview of primary and secondary market infrastructures
7. Identifying the differences between licensed vs unlicensed counterparties
8. Asset tokenisation (including tokenised securities) and the opportunities for financial intermediaries
9. Identifying and mitigating market, credit, liquidity, and operational risk in virtual assets
10. Regulatory trends in Hong Kong, Singapore, and ROW
This course is primarily targeted at asset managers, brokers and traders and sophisticated professional investors who may consider investing in virtual assets.
資產財富管理業先導計劃 -專業培訓資助計劃
本課程乃提升資產財富管理業人才培訓先導計劃 - 專業培訓資助計劃所涵蓋之合資格課程 / 研討會。
合資格之金融服務業現職從業員只要圓滿修畢於2016年10月1日至2022年8月31日期間舉行的課程 / 研討會,便可申請發還80%學費,或上限每人10,000元。
申請人可申請多於一個課程 / 研討會的資助,合計上限10,000元,但每個課程 / 研討會只獲發還學費一次。
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With over 13 years of experience in Silicon Valley, Mainland China, and Hong Kong, he started his career as a derivatives trader, then as a China cross-borders corporate finance analyst, before moving into technology product management and business development, serving Big Tech clients like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. Ben is a graduate of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he earned his Master’s degree in Management and led the university’s largest working group on blockchain applications