Compliance, Legislative & Regulatory Standards

[Webinar] Trust Training Certificate (TTC) - Unit 6: Trusts and Compliance (8th Cohort)


This is Unit 6 of the training programme in pursuing the "Trust Training Certificate".

It provides an overview of rules and regulations apply to trust companies (professional trustees) and the current compliance and reporting environment, including AML, which apply to Trusts.

For the topics to cover, please refer to the content section below.

If the participant is intended to pursue the "Trust Training Certificate", he / she is required to take "TTC Unit 1: Introduction to Trusts" and "TTC Unit 2: Types of Trusts and When Appropriate" prior to attending this course.


Compliance, AML, Legislative rules and how they apply to trusts
‧ Current HK legislation and regulations on trustee companies
o Registered Trust Company
o New legislation / licensing requirements for trust companies
o Shareholders and directors Fit & Proper criteria
o UBO registers
‧ Applications of FATCA and CRS to trust structures and the Trustee’s responsibility
‧ Classifications of Trusts under FATCA/CRS
‧ Requirements for AML & client due diligence (“CDD”)
‧ Due diligence and source of funds (“SOF”) required
‧ What SOF is sufficient?
‧ What will be reportable in 2018 under CRS?


The course is primarily targeted to those who would like to pursue the "Trust Training Certificate" in order to apply for the Hong Kong Trustees' Association Certified Trust PractitionerTM designation.

It is also relevant to those who would like to gain a solid understanding of the course subject matter and / or those who plan to enter into the Trust industry sector.

資產財富管理業先導計劃 - 專業培訓資助計劃

本課程乃提升資產財富管理業人才培訓先導計劃 - 專業培訓資助計劃所涵蓋之合資格課程 / 研討會。

合資格之金融服務業現職從業員只要圓滿修畢,便可以就2016年10月1日至2022年8月31日期間上課的合資格課程 / 研討會申請發還80%學費,或上限每人10,000元。

申請人可申請多於一個課程 / 研討會的資助,合計上限10,000元,但每個課程 / 研討會只獲發還學費一次。

已填妥並簽署的申請表連同五項所需的證明文件必須於完成所參加課程 / 研討會當日起計四個月內提交至香港證券及投資學會辦事處。全部課程須於2022年8月31日或之前修畢方符合申請發還學費的資格。詳情請參考資產財富管理業先導計劃網站


如有意申請專業培訓資助計劃(FIS) 資助,請確保所用的電腦、手機或平版電腦設置視像功能,並須在參與該次網上研討會時全程開啟,方可符合申請發還學費之要求。


Carolyn BUTLER
Carolyn Butler is the Managing Director of International Fiduciaries Limited. She has 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry; the past 25 years of which have been in Asia. She has extensive expertise and knowledge of both private and corporate trusts, investment management and the retirement schemes industries and acts as an independent director for an MPF scheme. Carolyn is Chairman of the Education Sub-Committee of Hong Kong Trustees’ Association and a past Chairman of the HKTA. She is a fellow of the Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute. She has a Bachelor of Business degree, an MBA and a Masters of Business Law.


2022年3月22日, 星期二 (6:30下午 - 9:30下午)
SFC:3.00, PWMA:3.00, HKTA:3.00

Click here if you wish to register for full Part A training programme.

Click here if you wish to register for full Part A training programme and examination.