Asset and Wealth Management Series

[Webinar] ESG and Climate Finance with Update from COP26


The most recent climate report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) affirms that global warming has accelerated and climate disasters are occurring at increasing and intensive rate. Therefore, climate finance and ESG investing have become more important than ever.


By the end of this webinar, participants will understand:
1. Origin and foundation for climate finance and current global wave of ESG investing.
2. Government policies and market solution for climate change challenge.
3. The path to carbon neutrality and potential challenges along the way.
4. New policies and agreements and implementations from COP26 Glasgow and likely outcomes.


- Paris climate agreement in 2015
- China’s green finance initiatives
- How Covid-19 accelerated ESG investing and climate finance
- Green bonds and sustainability-linked bonds
- Russia’s carbon neutrality plan


This webinar will be valuable for issuers, regulators, investors and asset managers. It is particularly relevant for publicly listed companies in preparation for their ESG reports. Financial service providers and intermediaries can also learn how the new policies will affect their business operation and portfolio construction.

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Dragon Tang is a Professor of Finance at the University of Hong Kong. He is also a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor by Ministry of Education of China and Managing Editor of International Review of Finance. During 2017-2020 he was the finance area head of HKU Business School.

He received a Ph.D. degree in finance from the University of Texas at Austin in 2005. His research specialties are green finance, credit derivatives, and Chinese banking. He served as consultant expert on green finance and ESG issues for Asian Development Bank and Hong Kong Centre for Green and Sustainable Finance. He provided training lectures for People’s Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.

He received research grants from many organisations, including ClimateWorks Foundation. His research findings are published in, among others, Journal of Finance and featured in Bloomberg, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and so on. In 2021, he received best research paper award from the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment. He was an inaugural recipient of the Best Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor Award by National Economics Foundation of China.


2021年11月17日, 星期三 (12:20下午 - 1:20下午)
SFC:1.00, PWMA:1.00