Asset and Wealth Management Series

[Webinar] Reframing the Future of Asset Management Industry


“Are you reframing the future of asset management or is it reframing you?” – the question is no longer whether asset management needs to change, but what that transformation should look like.

Philip Kwong, EY Partner and HK Wealth & Asset Management (WAM) Sector Leader, will share the findings and insights gained from EY’s publication on “Future of Asset Management Study”.

Key points of the study:
- Successful transformation will start with a clear view of the role firms want to play in the asset management industry of the future. That means identifying which clients to serve, how to reach them, what investment outcomes to provide and how to deliver them.
- When it comes to implementation, CEOs not only need to embed the positive changes accelerated by COVID-19; they also need to use an appropriate combination of six key strategic components to boost revenues and control costs.
- Winning asset management firms will adopt a multitrack growth strategy, funded by strategic cost transformation and enabled by technology.


The webinar will cover the following key areas:
- A review of the asset management industry before and after the pandemic and how COVID-19 has impacted the industry
- How should asset managers respond in the next 5 years which will be more challenging
- How asset managers can help create long-term value for both clients and society


The webinar is primarily targeted for fund managers, asset managers, senior management such as Responsible officers, Managers-in-Charge, directors, COOs and CEOs of financial institutions and bankers

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Philip Kwong is the Partner, HK Wealth & Asset Management (WAM) Sector Leader, at EY with over 20 years of experience. He has been providing assurance and business consulting services to asset management and security brokerage industries, including various financial and regulatory reporting to international entities.

Philip is a Certified Public Account (Practicing), Fellow of HKICPA and has joined the Investment Funds Regulatory Advisory Panel in the HKICPA. He is also the member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, the Fellow of HKSI Institute. He is also the HKSI Institute’s Education & Development Committee member.


2021年9月16日, 星期四 (12:20下午 - 1:20下午)
Trad. Chi / 廣東話
SFC:1.00, PWMA:1.00