Wealth Management

[Webinar] Certified Private Wealth Professional (CPWP) Module 1 Refresher Programme: Topic 8 - Customer Relationship Management


This course aims to present the important concepts and practices needed to manage customer relationships effectively. Key concepts in relation to relationship management, and the essential skills required of a private wealth manager are introduced. Prospecting and meeting new customers strategies, methods and techniques are discussed. Once we have onboarded the new customer, the private wealth manager must segment him and identify the most appropriate customer relationship management (“CRM”) strategy. The importance of skills and manner required for customer maintenance and reporting, conduct of portfolio reviews are explained, and the issue of service recovery is also examined.


On completing this course, you should be able to:
a. Understand the building process of a prospect list;
b. Understand how to track prospecting efforts;
c. Formulate efficient line of questioning to understand a customer’s needs and situation as part of the know your customer (“KYC”) and onboarding process;
d. Apply active listening skills to customer interaction as part of the KYC and onboarding process;
e. Prepare for and conduct oneself in an effective and adequate manner during customer meetings;
f. Manage follow-up of customer relationship (continuing portfolio update, delivery of adverse news, etc);
g. Understand how to conduct portfolio reviews with customers;
h. Demonstrate how to deal with objections or complaints in a fair and appropriate manner;
i. Manage customer complaints related to the selling process;
j. Manage timing and manner of interaction with supporting functions to address customer’s questions and needs;
k. Manage the lifecycle of a customer relationship; and
l. Use an attractiveness-positioning matrix to determine an efficient CRM strategy.


1. Definition and key attributes in relationship management
2. Prospecting
3. Initial engagement and engagement skills
4. Gathering facts
5. Segmentation and relationship management strategy
6. Customer maintenance
7. Customer retention
8. Service recovery


It is primarily targeted to CPWP candidates who wish to take the CPWP Module 1 Paper 2 Examination. It is also relevant to those PWM practitioners who would like to enhance their knowledge and skills in wealth management.

資產財富管理業先導計劃 -專業培訓資助計劃

本課程乃提升資產財富管理業人才培訓先導計劃 - 專業培訓資助計劃所涵蓋之合資格課程 / 研討會。

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申請人可申請多於一個課程 / 研討會的資助,合計上限10,000元,但每個課程 / 研討會只獲發還學費一次。

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Madhav worked in banking for over 15 years, while in the Corporate & Investment Bank, he covered roles in debt structuring, capital structure advisory and credit risk management. His latter roles with the Private Bank, as Client and Investment Advisor, was followed by advisory engagements with Private Family Offices, in particular with establishing a “greenfield” Single Family Office, real estate investment decisions, on matters related to investment governance, investment policies and processes, multi-generational asset allocation, benchmarking, risk management, reporting and monitoring standards across a range of asset classes.

Madhav has an extensive knowledge of Asia and Europe and has delivered technical training to audiences in these, and the African, regions. He has been engaged with global financial institutions, banks and investment offices in the delivery of tailored content, classroom programmes and specialist webinars, where he delivers courses in corporate finance, risk management and private wealth management.


2021年5月3日, 星期一 (6:30下午 - 9:00下午)
SFC:2.50, PWMA:2.50

If you'd like to enrol the training by Paper to enjoy a 10% discount off the standard price, please click here.

If you'd like to enrol the training and examination by Paper to enjoy a further 20% discount off the standard price, please click here.