Wealth Management

[Webinar] Certified Private Wealth Professional (CPWP) Module 1 Refresher Programme: Topic 6 - Wealth Planning


This course aims to present the important concepts of wealth planning by explaining why people should plan and what their objectives are in doing so, and then looks at the role of wealth planning within a private wealth management (“PWM”) institution. Trust and foundation as wealth planning solutions are also explained, its characteristics, advantages and the motivation for setting one up. The concept of a family office, the meaning of family governance and how it interacts with wealth planning services for private wealth customers are presented.


On completing this course, you should be able to:
a. Understand the key features and essentials of wealth planning, (including the stages of wealth management, principles of tax planning, succession and estate planning, the case of intestacy, etc.);
b. Understand and explain the types, features, benefits and limitation of wealth planning solutions (including trust, foundation, private investment companies); and
c. Understand and describe the roles and purposes of a family office, and how family governance interacts with wealth planning structures


1. Introduction to wealth planning
2. Wealth planning process
3. Wealth planning
4. Wealth planning solutions
5. Family businesses


It is primarily targeted to CPWP candidates who wish to take the CPWP Module 1 Paper 2 Examination. It is also relevant to those PWM practitioners who would like to enhance their knowledge and skills in wealth management.

資產財富管理業先導計劃 -專業培訓資助計劃

本課程乃提升資產財富管理業人才培訓先導計劃 - 專業培訓資助計劃所涵蓋之合資格課程 / 研討會。

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申請人可申請多於一個課程 / 研討會的資助,合計上限10,000元,但每個課程 / 研討會只獲發還學費一次。

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2021年2月4日, 星期四 (6:30下午 - 9:00下午)
SFC:2.50, PWMA:2.50

If you'd like to enrol the training by Paper to enjoy a 10% discount off the standard price, please click here.

If you'd like to enrol the training and examination by Paper to enjoy a further 20% discount off the standard price, please click here.