Connected Transactions
This eCourse is part of the HKEX Listing Rules e-training course series which covers major topics related to listed issuers’ obligations. It introduces who are connected persons. It also explains the connected transactions requirements under the Listing Rules with its exemptions. It also covers continuing connected transactions and its additional requirements.
By the end of this eCourse, you will be able to:
- Explain who are connected persons
- Describe the requirements of connected transactions and its exemptions
- Explain what are continuing connected transactions and its additional requirements
1. Connected Persons
- Introduction
- General principles
- Who are connected persons
2. Connected Transactions
- What are connected transactions
- Requirements for connected transactions
- Exemptions from connected transaction requirements
3. Continuing Connected Transactions
- What are continuing connected transactions
- Additional requirements for continuing connected transactions
The eCourse is primarily targeted at listed companies’ directors, management and compliance staff, market practitioners and professionals.