[Webinar] Limited Partnership Fund Regime and Proposed Carried Interest Concession
The Government has taken a number of steps to revitalize the Hong Kong’s fund platform, such as the recent modification of the Limited Partnership Fund Regime and the Proposed Tax Concession for Carried Interest distributed in respect of private equity (PE) transactions.
The Limited Partnership Fund regime allows onshoring of funds whereby the fund domiciliation location and fund management location are aligned. In relation to the taxation of carried interest, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) has issued a consultation paper to seek for public views on the proposed carried interest concession. The tax concession rate will be “highly competitive” and takes retrospective effect from 1 April 2020. This webinar will cover the salient points of both Limited Partnership Fund Regime and Proposed Carried Interest Concession.
By the end of the webinar, participants will have a basic understanding of:
1. the essential features of the proposed carried interest concessionary regime
2. the policy objective and type of funds that may be eligible for enjoying the proposed carried interest tax concession
1. Overview of government initiatives on Private Equity (PE) platform modernization
2. Summary of Government proposal on carried interest tax concession
3. Proposed carried interest tax concession - Issues to consider
4. Possible impacts on the PE industry
The webinar is primarily targeted to fund managers, asset managers, securities brokers, tax practitioners and investors who would like to have a better understanding of proposed carried interest concession.
Financial Incentive Scheme of the WAM Pilot Programme
This is one of the eligible courses / seminars under the Financial Incentive Scheme (“The Scheme”) of the WAM Pilot Programme.
Eligible in-service practitioners of the financial services industry could apply for a reimbursement up to 80% of the course / seminar fees, or a maximum of HK$10,000 per person throughout the period of 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2023 upon satisfactory completion.
Each individual may apply for reimbursement for more than one course / seminar subject to a maximum of HK$10,000 but each course / seminar can only be reimbursed once.
The duly signed application form together with the FIVE supporting documents must be submitted within FOUR months from the last day of the course / seminar attended. Please refer to the WAM Pilot Programme website for more details.
WAM Pilot Programme Special Requirements
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