Compliance, Legislative & Regulatory Standards

[Webinar] AML/CFT in the Cayman Islands Regime


The course summarises the main provisions of the Guidance Notes on the Prevention and Detection of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Cayman Islands 2017 and Guidance Notes Amendments 2018. It also covers the procedures and controls in relevant operational areas to comply with the regulatory requirements.


Hong Kong asset management industry has tendency to incorporate funds in Cayman Islands. After completion of the course, participants will be able to understand and comply with the regulatory requirements of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority.


1. What is money laundering and terrorist financing?
2. Overview of the AMLR and related Guidance Notes in Cayman Islands
3. Effective management and internal controls
4. Risk assessment of customers
5. Identification and verification requirement (Cayman Islands)
6. Certification of documents
7. Simplified due diligence and enhanced due diligence
8. High risk customers
9. Sanctions
10. Reliance on third parties
11. Customer reviews and monitoring
12. Record keeping
13. Reporting of suspicious activities (Cayman Islands)
14. Training
15. Warning signs to mutual funds (Cayman Islands)


Fund managers, asset managers and anyone who would like to have a better understanding of the AML/CFT practice in the Cayman Islands.

Financial Incentive Scheme of the WAM Pilot Programme

This is one of the eligible courses / seminars under the Financial Incentive Scheme (“The Scheme”) of the WAM Pilot Programme.

Eligible in-service practitioners of the financial services industry could apply for a reimbursement up to 80% of the course / seminar fees, or a maximum of HK$10,000 per person throughout the period of 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2023 upon satisfactory completion.

Each individual may apply for reimbursement for more than one course / seminar subject to a maximum of HK$10,000 but each course / seminar can only be reimbursed once.

The duly signed application form together with the FIVE supporting documents must be submitted within FOUR months from the last day of the course / seminar attended. Please refer to the WAM Pilot Programme website for more details.

WAM Pilot Programme Special Requirements

If you plan to apply for reimbursement under the Financial Incentive Scheme (FIS), please ensure your device/computer has the camera feature or with webcam installed as you are required to turn on your camera throughout the webinar.


林慕華女士既是一位資深銀行領導,也是經驗豐富的培訓人士。她在銀行界累積了多年的分行管理經驗後,轉到培訓領域。她帶領過多家銀行的培訓部門,孕育了很多傑出銀行從業員。林女士亦曾擔任大學講師,現為金融機構顧問。林女士畢業於英國曼撤斯特大學,之後獲取香港城市大學財務碩士學位、英國莱斯特大学人力資源及培訓碩士學位。專業資格包括英國特許銀行學會會士、香港銀行學會會士、香港財務策劃師 CFP®亦已考取了打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集專業證書。


2020年12月3日, 星期四 (12:00下午 - 2:00下午)
第9類 - 提供資產管理
Trad. Chi / 廣東話
SFC:2.00, PWMA:2.00