(Specific) Financial Products & Associated Risk Management

Trust Training Certificate (TTC) - Unit 2: Types of Trusts and When Appropriate


This is Unit 2 of the training programme in pursuing the "Trust Training Certificate".

It consists of two modules:

Module 4: Types of Trusts and their uses
Module 5: Retention of control

For the topics to cover, please refer to the content section below.

If the participant is intended to pursue the "Trust Training Certificate", he / she is required to take "TTC Unit 1: Types of Trusts" prior to attending this unit.


Types of Trust and their uses
‧ Protective Trust
‧ Charitable Trust
‧ Non-Charitable Purpose Trust
‧ Investment vehicle in the form of a trust
‧ Pension Trust
‧ Employee Benefit Trust (e.g. employee stock ownership)
‧ Discretionary (and Letters of Wishes)
‧ Bare Trusts, Declaration of Trust, Two-party Trust (Co-fiduciary Trust)
‧ Fixed Interest Trust
‧ Revocable or Irrevocable Trust
‧ Resulting Trust / Constructive Trust

Retention of control
‧ Reserved Power Trust
‧ Private Trust Company’s
‧ Use of VISTA / LST / SISTA trusts
‧ Trust / Limited Partnership structure


The course is primarily targeted to those who would like to pursue the "Trust Training Certificate" in order to apply for the Hong Kong Trustees' Association Certified Trust Practitioner TM designation.

It is also relevant to those who would like to gain a solid understanding of the course subject matter and / or those who plan to enter into the Trust industry sector.

先導計劃 - 專業培訓資助計劃

本課程乃提升資產財富管理業人才培訓先導計劃 - 專業培訓資助計劃所涵蓋之合資格課程/ 研討會 /會議。

合資格之金融服務業現職從業員只要圓滿修畢本計劃所涵蓋課程 / 研討會 /會議 的一個單元,便可於本計劃的三年期內申請發還80%學費或上限7,000元(以數額較少者為準)。

申請人可申請多於一個課程 / 研討會 /會議的資助。

申請表必須於完成課程 / 研討會 /會議 當日起計4個月內連同所需文件一併送交香港證券及投資學會。詳情請參考先導計劃網站


2020年3月17日, 星期二 (6:00下午 - 9:00下午)
SFC:3.00, PWMA:3.00