Fintech - Part 1



This eCourse consists of six topics on Robotic and Intelligent Automation. Topic 1 provides a high-level overview of the use of data analytics and big data, with particular focus on machine learning techniques that have reinvigorated the field of data science.

Topic 2 provides a high-level overview of RPA, including its benefits and limitations, particularly in the context of the financial industry. The tutorial also outlines how concepts such as machine learning and artificial intelligence are expected to enable the next stage of automation after RPA.

Topic 3 provides a high-level overview of AI, including the different types of AI and the drivers of growth, particularly in the context of the financial industry. The tutorial also outlines how future breakthroughs in AI are expected to expand its current narrow applications, allowing AI algorithms to broaden in scope and interact actively across every aspect of human life.

Topic 4 provides a high-level overview of robo-advice, including its growth factors and key features. The tutorial also outlines the developments that are likely to drive the growth of the robo-advisory model in the future.

Topic 5 provides an overview of IoT, with a particular focus on its application and value to the financial industry.

Topic 6 introduces the concept of an ERP platform, including its benefits and implementation challenges. The tutorial also outlines how ERP banking transformation programs are a key focus area for many corporates, with some specific examples provided in relation to cash management processes.


On completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Define data analytics and big data
- Describe how data analytics can help enhance productivity
- List the common types of machine learning (ML) techniques
- Identify the benefits and limitations of robotic process automation (RPA) in the context of the financial industry
- Explain different types of Artificial Intelligent (AI) and the drivers of growth in the financial industry
- Recognise the growth factors and key features of Robo-advice, and its future development
- Explain the application of The Internet of Things (IoT) and its value to the financial industry
- Describe the benefits and implementation challenges of an ERP platform
- Outline how ERP bank transformation programme plays a key role in cash management processes


Topic 1: Data Analytics
Topic 2: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Topic 3: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Topic 4: Robo-Advice
Topic 5: Internet of Things (IoT)
Topic 6: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)


SFC:1.50, PWMA:1.50
非會員: HK$630
機構會員員工: HK$425
所有會員: HK$425