Banking Services

Transaction Banking - Part 2



This eCourse consists of two modules. Module 1 covers cash management services. Banks manage the timing of money for their corporate banking customers by providing essential cash management services. This may simply be for paying suppliers or may involve transferring huge sums across the globe in order to fund a major investment. In addition, customers who do not need the money now require services allowing them to generate a return from their surplus funds. The approach to achieving such a return will vary according to the size and nature of different customers and their timeframes.

This module looks initially at the bank client perspective on cash management and the typical tasks that go into the role of those tasked with cash management responsibilities – corporate treasurers. The tutorial shows how transaction banks act as support for the entire cash management cycle, from cash collection, to cash sweeping, concentration, and investment.

Module 2 looks at regulatory influences in transaction banking. The roots of Europe’s single market for payments lie in the Lisbon Strategy or Lisbon Agenda of 2000, a political initiative that aimed to turn the EU into the most competitive knowledge-based society by 2010. Cheap and efficient payments was seen as a major catalyst for this and the Payments Services Directive (PSD), introduced in 2007, aimed to realize this objective by opening up the business of payments to a host of non-traditional providers. The PSD also provided the legal framework for the Single Euro Payments Area that aims to standardize Europe’s payments infrastructure.

This module examines the rules and standards out by the PSD and SEPA, and looks at the consequences of these initiatives for transaction banking in Europe and beyond.


On completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the role of the corporate treasurer and the importance of cash management for an organization
- Outline the key cash management services provided by transaction banks
- Explain the key metrics used in cash management
- Explain the key features of the EU Payment Services & E-Money Directives
- Describe the main rules, standards, and protocols of the Single European Payment Area (SEPA)


Module 1: Transaction Banking - Cash Management Services
Topic 1: Cash Management and Corporate Treasury
Topic 2: Cash Management in Practice
Topic 3: Cash Management Metrics

Module 2: Transaction Banking - Regulatory Influences
Topic 1: EU Payment Services & E-Money Directive
Topic 2: Single European Payments Area (SEPA)


SFC:2.00, PWMA:2.00
香港中資証券業協會(HKCSA): HK$670
機構會員員工: HK$640
所有會員: HK$640
非會員: HK$960