ESG Leading Enterprise Awards 2021

Event Timeline
Application Deadline: 16 July 2021
Results Announcement: 1 November 2021 

2020 saw the world upheaved as the COVID-19 pandemic and a continued climate crisis brought on unprecedented challenges and risks. The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2021 finds infectious diseases at the top among the highest impact risks of the next decade, with potentially severe human and economic costs. Among the highest likelihood risks are extreme weather, climate action failure and human-led environmental damage, all of which are closely associated with ESG (environmental, social and governance), with extreme weather being in the top spot for the past five years.

In the face of global economic fragility and volatile markets, investors and stakeholders attach an increasing importance to the impact of ESG performance on enterprises’ credit worthiness, operation and risk management. As one of the most influential business magazines in Hong Kong with a global vision and Greater China connection, the Chinese Edition of Bloomberg Businessweek keeps a keen focus on the development of ESG standards. We welcome Deloitte as our partner again this year in co-presenting the third year of ESG Leading Enterprise Awards. By recognizing Hong Kong-listed companies and asset management companies with outstanding ESG performance, the Awards aims at encouraging enterprises to adopt ESG practices strategically to cope with the “new normal” business environment, ultimately to foster a sustainable business culture with positive impact on the environment and society. 

For event details, please visit:

Enquiry: [email protected] 
