Environmental, Social & Governance

[Webinar] ESG Data & Rating in Practice



This is Module 4 of the Sustainability Excellence for Talent Certification Programme (SET), which aims to provide learners with comprehensive knowledge on topics such as sustainability reporting frameworks, ESG ratings, climate risks, and net zero.

ESG data and ratings have grown popularity amongst companies in recent years as more questions are coming from stakeholders such as consumers, investors and regulators. Companies can consider preparing and responding to ESG data and ratings as these can provide valuable insights into a company’s ESG practices, which can impact a company’s long-term performance and risk profile. This seminar provides an overview of the leading ESG rating agencies amongst companies, to support you in understanding the structure, approach to respond to such rating agencies and common pitfalls.

Check out the other modules in the Programme:
Introduction to IFRS S1 and S2
Introduction to HKEX Listing Rule – ESG Code
Climate Risk Management in Practice
Introduction to GHG Emissions
Introduction to GRI
Scenario Analysis in Practice
Scope 3 Emissions in Practice (Financial Services) or Scope 3 Emissions in Practice (Corporates)
Science-based Target Setting in Practice (Financial Services) or Science-based Target Setting in Practice (Corporates)


On completion of this webinar, you will be able to:
• Identify ESG rating ecosystem players
• Recognise investors expectations from ESG ratings
• Identify common pitfalls when companies are reporting to rating agencies


• Overview of leading ESG rating agencies (e.g. CDP, DJSI, GRESB)
• Investor expectations from rating agencies’ assessment
• Common pitfalls for companies reporting to rating agencies

Who should attend

This course is primarily targeted at corporate sustainability officers, risk managers, investment analysts, fund managers, wealth managers and investment advisors, corporate financial advisors, investor relations officers, and senior management of business entities, including financial institutions.

Financial Incentive Scheme of the WAM Pilot Programme

This course has already been approved as an eligible course of the Financial Incentive Scheme for Professional Training (“the Scheme”) under the Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Asset and Wealth Management Sector (“the Pilot Programme”). The Scheme aims to enhance the competency and professionalism of in-service practitioners within the asset and wealth management sector and to assist other practitioners within the financial services industry in acquiring the knowledge and skills required for entering the sector. Eligible applicants will be subsidised 80% of the course fees by the HKSAR Government upon satisfactory completion of the courses approved by Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, subject to a ceiling of HKD15,000. Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute is appointed as the implementation agent of the Pilot Programme. Regarding the details of eligible criteria and application procedures, please refer to the dedicated web-site of the Pilot Programme (https://www.wamtalent.org.hk/).

Speaker/Course Instructor

Andy LAW
Andy is a Partner of PwC Hong Kong’s Climate and Sustainability practice. He has over 10 years of experience spanning across sustainability, environment, social and governance (ESG), assurance and business consulting. He is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Andy has extensive experience in assisting clients in diversified industries such as banking, asset management and real estate in sustainability and ESG matters, including ESG reporting preparation in line with global and local standards (e.g. IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, GRI, HKEX ESG Code), responsible investment, climate risk advisory, science-based targets setting, GHG footprinting and ESG rating advisory.

He also has in-depth knowledge of the latest regulatory requirements from active discussions with regulators and insights sharing on market trends and development. He also acts as the technical consultant for the development of Implementation Guidance on HKEX’s New Climate Requirements.
Rachael NG
Rachael is a Manager at PwC Hong Kong’s Climate and Sustainability Practice. She has 7 years of consulting experience and within the realm of sustainability, she has developed experiences around ESG ratings advisory, ESG reporting, ESG performance improvement, climate risk assessment, public policy development and more.

Rachael has worked with clients from various sectors in improving their ESG performance, this ranges from advising clients on improvement opportunities across various ESG ratings (incl. S&P CSA, CDP, HKQAA, MSCI, GRESB), preparing ESG reports in line with key reporting frameworks and standards, as well as conducting climate-related risk assessment and scenario analysis.


Date & Time
Friday, 9 Aug 2024 (12:20PM - 1:20PM)
Virtual Platform
Relevant Subject
Type 4 - Advising on securities
Type 6 - Advising on corporate finance
Type 6 - Advising on corporate finance - Sponsor
Type 9 - Asset management
SFC:1.00, PWMA:1.00