Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Overview of Sustainable Finance


Sustainability ensures we meet our needs without hindering future generations. Beyond environmentalism, it includes economic and social considerations.   
Sustainable finance applies this concept, channeling investments that consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into decision-making processes.

This course offers a clear, accessible exploration of sustainable finance. We'll address the funding challenges for green projects, the role of the Paris Agreement in climate action, and the growing market for sustainable financial products like bonds, loans, and ESG funds. You'll learn how to navigate through complex regulations and standards, including the EU taxonomy and the EUSFDR, which ensure clarity and integrity in the field. We'll also tackle greenwashing, teaching you how to spot and avoid it.


By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Comprehend the principles of sustainable finance and their economic impact
- Recognise the strategies to fund sustainable initiatives in line with global agreements
- Identify sustainable bonds, loans, and ESG funds and their use in green investment
- Understand key sustainable finance regulations, including the EU taxonomy and EUSFDR
- Develop the ability to distinguish truly sustainable investments from greenwashing


1. Course Introduction
2. Fundamentals of Sustainable Finance
    - What is Sustainable Finance
    - Key Drivers of Sustainable Finance
    - Economic Cost of Climate Change
    - Key Sustainability Trends
3. Sustainable Finance Landscape
    - Value chain, Reporting Framework, and Risk Management
    - Sustainable Finance Products
    - Case studies
4. Key Regulations and Trends of Sustainable Finance
    - Key Regulations of Sustainable Finance
    - International Sustainability Standards Board
    - Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
    - Green Financing Issues
    - Greenwashing Examples
    - Transition Finance
5. Conclusion

Who should attend

This course targets finance professionals, investors, business leaders, policy makers, and anyone interested in leveraging financial tools to support environmental sustainability and responsible investment practices.


Relevant Subject
Type 1 - Dealing in securities
Type 2 - Dealing in futures contracts
Type 3 - Leveraged foreign exchange trading
Type 4 - Advising on securities
Type 5 - Advising on futures contracts
SFC:1.50, PWMA:1.50
All Member: HK$450
Staff of Corporate Member: HK$450
Non-Member: HK$900
Chinese Securities Association of Hong Kong (HKCSA): HK$630