Alternative Investment
Private Equity Investing in Asia (Live Webinar)
Private equity capital not only provides long-term equity capital to young and growing companies which often do not have the necessary financial earnings to borrow from banks, but also lends support to those that aspire to be global firms. In particular, through partnerships with private equity investors, companies can acquire the ESG discipline that is a requisite in future fund raising exercises as the companies grow.
In the 2018 Asset and Wealth Management Activities Survey released by the SFC, private equity and venture capital accounted for 5% of the $16.1billion asset management and fund advisory business in Hong Kong. Private equity-backed assets have consistently been able to outperform public equities.
The impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on the global economy is severe. What kinds of opportunities and risks will this present for the private equity market in Asia?
At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to have a basic understanding of
1. The investment cycle of private equity
2. Skill sets required by private equity fund management and investment
3. The drivers behind superior return results
1. Growth of the Asian Private Equity Asset Class (1999-2019)
2. Characteristics of Private Equity & Venture Capital
3. Investment Cycle of Private Equity
4. Carrots & Sticks of Private Equity Fund Management
5. Standard Private Equity Deal Structure
6. Drivers of Superior Return Results
Date: Thursday, 23 April 2020
Start time: 12:30 PM
Duration: 1:0 hour (SFC:0.00, PWMA:0.00)
Who should attend
1. Financial professionals that include private bankers, asset and investment managers for either public or private markets, family offices;
2. Auxiliary services providers such as Lawyers, accounting professionals, investment advisors; and
3. Regulators
Speaker/Course Instructor
APER is also the publisher of Asia’s authoritative private equity journal, ASIA PRIVATE EQUITY REVIEW.
Please note: This webinar will be delivered via WebEx. To qualify for CPT/OPT hours, participants are required to attend the full webinar and pass a post-webinar quiz.
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