Investment and Portfolio Analysis
Portfolio Management: How Roboadvisors Apply Modern Portfolio Theory
This course aims to cover the key fundamentals of Modern Portfolio theory and how today’s Roboadvisors apply these basic building blocks to develop and manage investor portfolios. The course will include topics that cover how optimal portfolios are created with an emphasis on passively managed portfolios and asset allocation rather than security sections as the key driver in any long term portfolio’s return.
1.Why do Roboadvisors exists? An overview of why most investors achieve returns less than a static benchmark portfolio. (An introduction to Behavior Finance).
2.The building blocks of any portfolio management process: Estimating the expected Risk & Reward of various asset classes.
3.What is Correlation and why does it matter with an investment portfolio
4.Utility theory and how it can be applied in practice
5.What is a portfolio’s Beta?
6.Define and show practical examples of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
7.We define the market’s Efficient Frontier which becomes our “Model Portfolios”
8.Defining our Asset Allocation
- What specific securities do we select?
- When do we rebalance the portfolio?
9. ETF’s: a review and practical application within a portfolio.
10. Putting the pieces together in practice: a Roboadvisors example
11. Strategic vs Active asset allocation (Passive vs Active)
12. Measuring risk adjusted returns of a portfolio.
13. Breaking down the portfolio’s returns? Measuring the portfolio’s attributions.
14. Smart Beta and Factor Investing, Becoming a “Smarter Passive Investor”
Who should attend
Individuals who are interested in this topic.
Speaker/Course Instructor
Following 8 years in the UK, he moved to Asia in 1991, working for a large international investment bank and later became the Head of Investment Advisory Group of their Private Bank in Hong Kong. Most recently, he was the Head of Investment Services, Advisory and Discretionary for two boutique Swiss private banks.
Mr. James obtained an Honors business degree from Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo Canada, and an MBA from the University of Toronto, Toronto Canada.