Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance - Part 1
This tutorial introduces the subject of corporate finance to newcomers in the area. Corporate finance is concerned with how companies raise finance and structure their liabilities. It involves public flotation’s and debt financing, managing short-term cashflows and acquiring businesses. This tutorial provides a broad overview of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). It describes the potential motives for engaging in a merger, the defensive tactics available to firms subject to a hostile takeover bid and the different stages and participants in the merger process.
On completion of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- Define corporate finance and explain the role of the financial manager within a corporation
- List and describe the different possible forms of business organisation
- Understand how the principal-agent problem can affect the objectives of a corporation
- Outline the key types of mergers and acquisitions
- Explain the motives behind these transactions and the defensive tactics adopted by targets
- Describe the key steps in the merger process
Module 1: Corporate Finance - An Introduction
Topic 1: Forms of Business Organisation
Topic 2: Corporate Finance- An Introduction
Topic 3: The Agency Problem & Control of the Corporation
Module 2: Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
Topic 1: Overview of Mergers & Acquisitions
Topic 2: Motives for Mergers & Acquisitions
Topic 3: The Merger Process