Commodities, Derivatives and Structured Products
Options - Part 2
The use of options exponentially increases the flexibility available to a market investor, trader or speculator. Strategies can be individually tailored to reflect particular market views. The risk-profile of a market operator can be increased or decreased in a customized fashion. While the names change from market to market, there are a number of common option-related strategies. Although the potential number of strategies is infinite, this tutorial outlines those that are most frequently encountered, and explains when they are appropriate.
On completion of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- Explain how the use of options extends the possibilities for a market investor
- Outline the common building blocks that make up an option-related trading strategy
- Explain how the most common option trading strategies are constructed and how they mirror an investor's views
Topic 1: Trading Strategies – An Overview
Topic 2: Building Blocks
Topic 3: Volatility/ Time Strategies
Topic 4: Basic Strategies