HKSI Institute AR2022

BUSINESS REVIEW 業務回顧 SUPPORTINGMEMBERS & CREATING VALUE 服務會員 創造價值 拓展網絡 相聚數碼港 以科技為本的公司和方案近年迅速崛 起,改變了金融服務業的面貌。學會 與數碼港向來關係緊密,並無間一直 與對方的金融科技組合作,全力支援 金融科技初創企業。業界領袖和金融 機構主管對這些初創企業深感興趣, 希望瞭解如何透過後者的創新項目和 方案促進業務發展,而學會正正是連 結兩者的橋樑。 2021 年 4 月,以時任主席伍潔鏇女士 為首的學會代表到訪數碼港,與總裁 任景信先生及其團隊會面,就如何促 使業界加快採用創新方案交流看法。 除了科技事宜,學會亦可在其他範疇 發揮重要作用,例如就監管要求及市 場發展尋求專業意見、瞭解市場化進 程,以及將初創與金融服務業持份 者╱潛在投資者連繫起來。 學會視建立和推廣蓬勃的科技生態系 統為要務,尤其是透過加快公、私營 環節的數碼化步伐,促成新經濟與傳 統經濟融合。 Expanding Network Cyberport Visit The rise of tech-driven companies and so l u t i ons i n r ecen t yea r s has changed the landscape of the financial services industry. Capitalising on our long-established relationship with Cyberport, we have been working closely with their Fintech team to support the Fintech start-up companies. The start-ups were connected to our corporate leaders who are keen to understand and know more about the innovative projects and solutions to support their organisation’s corporate development. Led by then Chairman Ms Katherine Ng, our Board Directors met with Mr Peter Yan, Chief Executive Officer of Cyberport and his team in April 2021. Both sides exchanged views on various ways to facilitate corporate’s quicker adoption of innovative solutions in the financial services industry. To go beyond technology matters, which include acquiring professional knowledge on the regulatory requirements and market development, understanding the commercialisation process, and connecting the stakeholders and potential investors of the financial services sector, HKSI Institute can play a key role to facilitate the process. As part of the business priorities, we are committed to promote and contribute to the nurturing of a vibrant technology ecosystem, in particular the integration of new and traditional economies by accelerating digital adoption in the public and private sectors. High-level exchange meeting with Cyberport 與數碼港進行高層交流會 Photo credit: Cyberport 相片由數碼港提供,謹此致謝 45 香港證券及投資學會 二零二二年年報