HKSI Institute AR2021

BUSINESS REVIEW 業務回顧 MEMBER ENGAGEMENTS & OUTREACH INITIATIVES 會員參與及外展活動 34 Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute Annual Report 2021 A l t h o u g h t h e p a n d e m i c h a s restricted members’ get-together and outreaching opportunities, it has driven us to rethink the way we deliver and create value to our Members and the financial se r v i ces commun i t y unde r t he new normal. With the guidance and support from the Membership Committee, Individual Membership Outreach Committee and Corporate Membership Outreach Committee, we have imp l emen t ed va r i ous member engagements and outreach initiatives during the reporting period. Create Value Led by the Membership Committee and supported by the Corporate Membership Outreach Committee, Individual Membership Outreach Committee and the Member Benefits Working Group, HKSI Institute’s value proposition was established t o r ea f f i rm t he un i que va l ues for our membership community, well-intertwined programmes of qualification and training, and the positive spirit in pursuit of excellence. It focuses on what matters most to our Members and also serves as our guiding principle for new service rollouts and programme enhancements. 疫症無疑對學會舉辦會員聚會及外展 活動造成限制,但亦促使我們重新思 考,研究如何在新常態下為會員及業 界提供服務,創造價值。在會籍委員 會、個人會籍外展委員會,以及機構 會籍外展委員會指導和支援下,我們 得以在報告期內開展各類會員及外展 活動。 創造價值 在會籍委員會領導,機構會籍外展委 員會、個人會籍外展委員會及會員權 益工作小組共同支援下,學會制定了 價值承諾,重申會員社群的獨特價 值,緊密配合的行業資格和培訓課 程,並強調追求卓越的正向精神。價 值承諾聚焦會員最關注的事項,也是 學會推出新服務及改良現有項目時的 指導原則。 另外,董事局已於 2020 年 12 月 7 日正 式通過經更新的《會員守則》。是次改 動由會籍委員會轄下的會員守則檢討 工作小組負責,涉及擴濶申請終身會 籍及晉升資深會員的資格。此舉旨在 感謝學會長期會員的貢獻,並肯定他 們在業內的經驗和資歷。 機構會員獨有優惠 我們於 2020 年 7 月推出回贈計劃:凡 機構會員續會,旗下員工報考證券及 期貨從業員資格考試 ( 資格考試 ) 均可 回贈報名費。逾 70% 機構會員曾享用 是項嶄新優惠,並讚譽學會適時在抗 疫期間推出上述措施。每位報考資格 考試員工的考試費用,其中 10% 回贈 予機構會員,回贈額上限為該機構會 員續會年費的 50% 。 In addition, the Membership Rules were updated and duly approved by the Board on 7 December 2020. The initiative, carried out by the Membership Rules Review Working Gr oup unde r t he Membe r sh i p Committee, involved expanding the eligibility for lifetime membership and fellowship progression, in appreciation of the contributions of our long-serving Members and in recognition of their industry experience and qualifications. Tailored Offerings for Corporate Members LE Rebate Scheme, a new corporate memb e r s h i p r e n ewa l b e n e f i t assoc i a t ed w i t h t he L i cens i ng Examination for Securities and Futures Intermediaries (LE), was introduced in July 2020. More than 70% of Corporate Members enjoyed this new benefit. Corporate Members commended this LE Rebate Scheme as it was made available at a most opportune time when the economy wa s i mp a c t e d b y COV I D - 1 9 . Corporate Members get to enjoy 10% rebate on each of their staff’s LE enrolment fee, subject to a maximum of 50% of their renewal subscription. Our Value Proposition Enriching Professional Development E ducation • Q ualification • N etworking • C ommunity 豐裕專業成就 培訓 • 資格 • 人脈 • 社群