HKSI Institute AR2022

55 香港證券及投資學會 二零二二年年報 Charity and Donations We participated in the Community Chest Dress Casual Day 2021 and held two internal charity sales for disposed office furniture and electric appliances. Proceeds from the charity sales were donated to The Salvation Army, doing our bit to help others in our community. Learning and Development Staff members have free access to a wide range of professional development courses offered by the HKSI Institute to enhance their industry knowledge. We also provided our employees the opportunities to attend external, job-related trainings for them to achieve their full potential. 參與善舉 除了參與公益金「便服日 2021 」,我們 還舉辦了兩次內部慈善義賣,將出售 辦公室舊傢俬和電器的收益捐贈予救 世軍,為社群一盡綿力。 員工進修及發展 員工可免費修讀一系列由學會開辦的 專業發展課程,從而增進自己的專業 知識。我們亦不時讓員工參加與工作 有關的外部培訓,助他們盡展潛能。