HKSI Institute AR2022

SECRETARIAT 秘書處 53 香港證券及投資學會 二零二二年年報 The Secretariat, led by the Chief Executive, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the HKSI Institute. As of 31 March 2022, the secretariat had 61 full time employees. Technology-Enabled Grounded on the strengthened Innovation and Technology (IT) t eam i n 2021 , we f ocused on t h r ee key s t r a t eg i c p r i o r i t i es : i mp r o v i n g b u s i n e s s p r o c e s s through automation, enhancing system integrity and efficiency through standardised systems and integrated architecture, providing better user experience through new and enhanced applications, and strengthening IT security through implementing effective security measures. The IT team delivered 21 internal and public facing projects within the year. The projects included system enhancement to enable learners to look for relevant CPT courses by SFC regulated activities and categories to fulfil their annual CPT requirements. In addition, the launch of the eForm portal provides flexibility and further promotes online self- service. “Application for Statement of Result”, the first eForm launched, received encouraging responses with the online application surpassing offline application by the end of the reporting period. The t echno l ogy - enab l ed wo r k environment allowed work flexibility to our staff, especially during the fifth wave of the pandemic period where our services were not affected. 秘書處由行政總裁領導,負責學會的 日常營運,截至 2022 年 3 月 31 日,共 有 61 位全職員工。 以科技為本 我們在 2021 年對創新及科技組投放 更多資源,並聚焦三大重要範疇:推 行自動化,改善業務流程;統一資訊 系統和架構,從而提升其完整性及效 率,並推出嶄新及經改良的應用程 式,讓用戶有更佳體驗;採取有效保 安措施,加強資訊科技安全。 創新及科技組在年內完成了 21 個內 部和面向公眾的項目,包括強化電腦 系統,讓學員按受證監會規管活動的 類別搜尋合適的持續專業進修 (CPT) 課程,以符合每年的 CPT 規定。另 外,我們亦設立電子服務網站進一步 推廣自助網上服務,方便用戶。首張 電子表格「申請考試成績證明書」-推 出後,外界反應踴躍,截止本報告期 結束,網上申請的宗數已超越紙本申 請。 以科技為本的工作環境,讓員工享有 更大彈性,即使在第五波疫情肆虐期 間,我們的服務仍能如常運作。 深圳辦事處 為透過深圳辦事處拓展對大灣區的服 務,學會於 2021 年 8 月委任賀媛媛女 士出任深圳辦事處負責人,而該處亦 正式成為外商全資企業 (WFOE) 。這 將有助學會與內地監管機構、政府部 門、專業團體和企業建立聯繫,更有 效地把握大灣區的發展機遇,並在區 內加強提供各類資格與培訓課程。 搬遷辦公室 隨著香港辦事處及儲存倉的租約在 2022 年屆滿,我們開始評估翻新和搬 遷的可行性。董事局考慮到學會的業 務需要及審慎評估後,最終決定放棄 已租用 20 多年的上環永安中心,遷往 鰂魚涌太古坊的新寫字樓。策劃搬遷 時,我們為新辦公室添加了新元素, 除了配合學會的新營運模式,也希望 為考生、學員和會員提供舒適方便的 設施,並讓員工享有朝氣勃勃的共用 工作環境。 Shenzhen Office To expand our service offerings in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) through our Shenzhen office, Ms Emily He was appointed as the Head of Shenzhen office in August 2021. With this strengthened wholly foreign owned enterprise (WFOE), we are able to tap into the growth opportunities in the GBA and offer more qualification programmes and training courses in the region by establishing relations with regulatory authorities, government institutions, professional bodies, and corporates in Mainland China. Office Relocation Following the approaching end of the lease term of our Hong Kong office and warehouse in 2022, we initiated an assessment of a possible renovation or relocation of our premises. After more than 20 years at Wing On Centre at Sheung Wan, the Board decided to move to a new office premise in Taikoo Place at Quarry Bay, after detailed assessment of the Institute’s business needs and future growth. New elements have been planned for the new office to fit our new business model, to offer comfortable and user- friendly facilities for our examination candidates, learners, and members, as well as to provide an energetic and collaborative working environment for our staff.