HKSI Institute AR2022

Despite the lingering impact of the pandemic, we have been adapting and bu i l d i ng ou r r es i l i ence t o COVID-19 and strengthening our capabilities and commitment to deliver a wide range of high quality service offerings to our Members and market practitioners. We were in full execution mode to drive our 2021/2022 strategic priorities and have made significant progress in achieving the goals set out at the beginning of the year. We de l i ve r ed a commendab l e performance in FY2021/2022 on the back of growth from examination and training offerings, diligent cost management, initiatives to build a better membership community, effective risk management with clear quality assurance standards, as well as enhanced infrastructure and people engagement, despite the challenges faced by COVID restrictions. Member First We have Members’ interests at heart and worked hard on increasing participation and engagement with Members. To help us move towards the right direction and create value 儘管疫情仍存,憑著靈活求變的精神 及果斷的決策,學會已能有效應對疫 情帶來的挑戰,繼續實踐承諾,為會 員和同業提供一系列優質服務。此 外,我們亦能全力執行 2021/2022 年 度的重點策略,比照年初定下的目 標,已取得顯著進展。 回顧 2021/2022 財政年度,儘管面對 嚴謹防疫限制的挑戰,我們整體表現 卓越,全賴完善的考試及培訓服務、 嚴謹的成本控制、推行凝聚會員社群 措施、實施有效的風險管理及品質標 準監控、基礎設施的提升,以及加強 與各界互動。 會員為本 我們一向以會員權益為先,籌辦多項 活動供會員參與,加強互動。亦推動 學會朝正確方向發展、為會員創造價 值,我們成立了會員權益檢討工作小 組,以研究及推行一系列措施。 學會在年內曾舉辦網上研討會,邀請 會員分享市場新知及走勢,參加費用 全免;又安排會員與數碼港的金融科 技初創公司負責人見面,力促金融服 務業加快採用創新方案。個人會員獲 贈免費 eCredit (電子現金券),按照自 己的興趣和時間,報讀持續專業培訓 (CPT) 課程及參與網上講座。 我們擁有內容豐富的課程庫,加上先 進學習平台 (ALP) 之利,極具競爭優 勢。因此,學會在年內亦與不同機構 會員合作,配合及針對培訓上的需 要,以創造額外價值,促進其員工的 專業發展。這不僅帶動培訓服務的收 入增長,亦提高了機構會員的續會意 欲。 f o r Membe r s , t he Membe r sh i p Benefits Review Working Group was established to explore and implement a variety of initiatives. Fr ee Membe r - sha r i ng web i na r sessions were held for our members to share the latest market trends and development, and we connected Members with Cyberport’s Fintech start-ups to facilitate quicker adoption of innovative solutions in the financial services industry. In addition, free eCr ed i t s t o a t t end con t i nuous professional training (CPT) classes and webinars were awarded to Individual Members to enjoy the autonomy of attending courses of their interest, to fit their own schedule. Based on our competitive strength, we also worked with Corporate Members to address their training needs and identify areas where we could provide additional value to their staff development initiatives – through our extensive course library and/or our Advanced Learning Platform (ALP) service offerings. This has helped drive training revenue growth and improve membership renewal. 02 Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute Annual Report 2022 MESSAGE FROMCHAIRMAN & CHIEF EXECUTIVE 主席與行政總裁的話 Colin SHAFTESLEY 石鈞年 CHAIRMAN 主席 With the HKSI Institute’s strong lineage and heritage, we are confident that we will continue to play a key role in supporting the initiatives to maintain Hong Kong’s position as a leading international financial centre. 憑藉學會的優良傳承和傳統,我們將繼續擔當重要角色,全力配 合及推行各項措施,以鞏固香港國際金融中心的領導地位。