HKSI Institute AR2021

China Strategy W i t h t h e r a p i d a n d s t r a t e g i c development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA), we set up the China Strategy Committee in October 2020 to explore and tap into the growth opportunities in the region. A three-year China Strategy (2021- 2023) was developed, with our wholly foreign owned enterprise (WFOE) in Shenzhen driving the implementation plan and focusing our reach on Macao, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. We aim to build and enhance our relationship with key stakeholders in these cities, and to offer our professional qualification programmes and training courses. Additionally, we hope to expand our membership community and develop new service offerings for corporates and practitioners. 25-Year Milestone The year 2022 will mark the HKSI Institute’s 25th anniversary, a significant milestone. Many of you are part of the family, and we look to you for your continued support of our work in developing and administering high quality examinations which underpin Hong Kong’s licensing regime, as well as offering training and development programmes which enable practitioners to advance their professionalism and competitive advantage. Appreciation Members’ dedication and participation, our staff’s commitment, and the encouragement from the FSTB, SFC, MPFA, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Insurance Authority, FSDC, HKEX, industry leaders and corporates – are our source of strength during these unprecedented times. We are grateful for the support, and we look forward to yet another exciting journey of resilient growth. 中國策略 隨著大灣區迅速崛起,學會亦於 2020 年 10 月成立中國策略委員會,發掘並 把握區內的發展機遇。除了制定為期 三年的「中國發展策略 (2021-2023) 」, 由學會全資擁有的深圳辦事處將負責 執行有關計劃,並專注處理澳門、深 圳及廣州的事務。我們期望與這些城 市的主要持份者建立及加強合作關 係,不僅提供專業資格及培訓課程, 也拓展會員社群,為企業及從業員推 出嶄新服務。 邁向銀禧 學會將於 2022 年迎來銀禧之喜。這 是一個重要里程碑,不少同業已是學 會大家庭的一員。我們期望得到大家 繼續支持,以加強拓展及舉辦優質考 試,鞏固香港的執業發牌制度,並提 供各類培訓及發展課程,幫助業界提 升專業水平及競爭能力。 謹致謝忱 會員的支持和參與、員工的付出,以 至財庫局、證監會、積金局、金管 局、保監局、金發局、港交所、業界 領袖和機構的鼓勵,全都是學會力量 之源,支撐著我們邁步向前。 謹此感謝各方的支持,我們期待在新 一年迎接令人振奮的復甦及增長。 I shall retire this December after three wonderful years as HKSI Institute Chairman, serving the Hong Kong’s financial industry. During this time, we faced unprecedented challenges such as the social unrest and COVID-19 pandemic, nonetheless, they made us stronger and directed us towards building a better tomorrow. I am a very proud member of the HKSI Institute and look forward to continuing working with our dedicated Members and industry stakeholders in the years to come. 今年 12 月,我將卸下學會主席一職。過去 3 年,能以這身份為學會和香港金融業服務,我深感 榮幸。期內,社會動盪、新冠疫情等前所未見的嚴峻挑戰接連而至,但我們亦因而變得更堅 強,並努力建立更美好的未來。我以學會會員身份為榮,並期望繼續與其他熱心會員及同業合 作。 Katherine Ng, Chairman 主席伍潔鏇 Katherine Ng, Chairman 主席伍潔鏇 Ruth Kung, Chief Executive 行政總裁孔慶詩 05 香港證券及投資學會 二零二一年年報