HKSI Institute AR2021

OUR MEMBERS 我們的會員 46 Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute Annual Report 2021 As of 31 March 2021, the number of Individual Members and Corporate Members stood at 2,355 (2020: 2,417) and 143 (2020: 140) respectively. In 2020, the HKSI Institute inducted Dr John Greenwood as Honorary Fellow in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the development of the financial services industry in Hong Kong and to the Institute. Three HKSI Institute Members, Mr Oliver Goh, Dr Kent Lai and Mr Barry Tong were also honoured as Senior Fellows for their contributions to the professional community. 截至 2021 年 3 月 31 日,學會的個人會員及機構會員數目分別為 2,355 ( 2020 : 2,417 )及 143 ( 2020 : 140 )。 2020 年,學會向祈連活博士頒授「榮譽資深會員」頭銜,以表揚他促進香港金融服務業及學會發展的卓越貢獻。學會三位會 員- Oliver Goh 先生、黎雲龍博士及湯 飈 先生亦因對業界貢獻良多,晉身「傑出資深會員」。 Dr John Greenwood, SBS, Chief Economist, Invesco Hong Kong Limited 景順投資管理有限公司集團首席經濟 師祈連活博士 SBS “It is always enjoyable to present and discuss my ideas with industry professionals and HKSI Institute committee members at the Institute’s lunchtime educational seminars... I have always found that participants at HKSI Institute events are keen to learn new insights on the global economy. Their questions always show a high level of interest and challenge me to present my ideas more clearly to members of the Institute. I am confident that HKSI Institute will continue to play a key role in the success of Hong Kong as a regional financial hub in Asia Pacific.” For his full interview, click here . 「參與學會舉辦的午間教育講座,與同業及學會的委員會成員分享觀點,交流討 論,每一次都是樂事……這些活動的參加者求知若渴,希望獲得有關環球經濟的 最新資訊和觀點。從參加者提出的問題,可以感受到他們對議題深感興趣,也策 勵我必須好好整理自己的看法,更清晰地表達出來。我深信學會將繼續擔當重要 角色,協助香港維持亞太區金融樞紐的地位。」 閱覽完整訪問,請點 擊 此處 。 “Members of the HKSI Institute are always eager to extend their hospitality and support to young graduates to pursue banking or financial services careers, such as through career development seminars and mentorship programme. In addition, the HKSI Institute do their best in bringing in seasoned professionals at the C-suite levels to provide guidance and support to the professional community. Strong support from semi quasi government organisations, financial institutions, and government gives HKSI Institute the ammunition to expand it wings to larger and bigger role as a professional non-profit institution.” For his full interview, click here . 「學會會員向以熱心支持年輕畢業生,透過職業發展講座、師友計劃等活動,讓他 們獲得投身銀行或金融服務業的機會。學會亦致力聯繫高管級的資深業者,為專 業社群提供指導和支援。作為非牟利專業組織,學會得到半官方機構、財務機構 及當局的堅實支持,因此有力擴展,承擔更多、更重要的職責。」 閱覽完整訪問,請點 擊 此處 。 Mr Oliver Goh, Head of Client Service for Securities Services, Citibank Hong Kong 花旗銀行(香港)證券服務部客戶服務 主管 Oliver Goh 先生