HKSI Institute AR2021

43 香港證券及投資學會 二零二一年年報 FIS In further enhancing competency and professionalism of in-service practitioners in the WAM sector, the scope of the FIS has been expanded since April 2020. This includes the increased course fee reimbursement t o HKD10 , 000 pe r pe r son and the expanded eligibility criteria of applicants to benefit more industry practitioners. On top of that, the HKSI Institute responded promptly and obtained Financial Services and Treasury Bu r e a u ( FSTB ) ’ s a p p r o v a l i n recognising webinar courses as qualified FIS offerings. Though e l i g i b l e f a c e - t o - f a c e c o u r s e s could not be held at the start of the reporting period and webinars were not recognised then, the FIS applications recorded a similar level as of 2019/20. More than half of the reimbursements were for new applicants, demonstrating that more practitioners are benefiting from the expanded eligibility under the extended FIS. 專業培訓資助計劃 自 2020 年 4 月以來,「專業培訓資助計 劃」持續擴展資助範圍,以進一步提 升資產財富管理業現職人員的能力和 專業水平。這包括將學費資助額增至 每人港幣一萬元,以及放寬申請人資 格,讓更多業者受惠。 學會迅速建議並獲財經事務及庫務局 核准將網上研討會納入「專業培訓資助 計劃」的認可課程名單。在報告期之 初,儘管無法如常舉辦合資格的面授 課程,網上研討會當時亦未獲認可, 「專業培訓資助計劃」的申請宗數仍與 2019/20 年度相若,當中逾半數獲發 還學費的個案涉及新申請者,顯示更 多同業因此計劃的放寬而受惠。 另外,本年度的「專業培訓資助計劃」 除增加新的培訓機構,也擴大了合資 格課程名單,涵蓋家族辦公室管理、 監管科技、退休策劃等熱門議題。 I n a dd i t i o n , u n d e r t he y e a r ’ s FIS, our offerings include new training providers and expanded list of FIS eligible programmes covering hot topics such as family office management, Regtech and retirement planning. Promotion of the expanded scope of FIS via Google Display Network 透過 Google 多媒體廣告聯播網宣傳「專業培訓資助計劃」擴大資助範圍