HKSI Institute AR2021

BUSINESS REVIEW 業務回顧 STANDARDS & DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES 業界標準與發展 25 香港證券及投資學會 二零二一年年報 A comprehensive range of job and industry specific qualification examinations and development programmes are available for practitioners and new entrants to acquire and fulfil their industry’s competency requirements. These offerings aim to assure the quality of our practitioners are on par with the international playing field and help them develop a competitive edge in the financial industry. Examination Operation During this challenging COVID-19 pandemic period, we ensure minimal disruptions to the market and practitioners and continued to offer four practising qualification examinations and five professional qualification examinations: Practising Qualification Examinations 執業資格考試 Licensing Examination for Securities and Futures Intermediaries (LE) 證券及期貨從業員資格考試 MPF Intermediaries Examination 強積金中介人考試 PRC Securities Regulations Examination 內地證券市場基本法律法規考試 The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society Qualification Examination (GSQE) 金銀業貿易場資格考試 Professional Qualification Examinations 專業資格考試 Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA) Final Examination 註冊國際投資分析師期終資格考試 Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) Examination 註冊國際財富經理考試 Certified Private Wealth Professional (CPWP) Module 1 Examination 註冊私人財富管理師單元一考試 Investment Operations Certificate (IOC) 投資營運證書 Trust Training Certificate (TTC) Examination 信託培訓證書考試 學會提供多項針對職位及業界要求的 執業 / 專業資格考試與發展課程,讓現 職或有意投身金融服務業的人士學習 相關技能,滿足業界對從業員的執業 能力規定。這些考試和活動旨在確保 本地業者水平達到國際標準,並協助 他們提升競爭能力。 考試運作 抗疫期間,學會致力減少疫情對市場 及從業員的干擾,繼續舉辦 4 項執業資 格考試及 5 項專業資格考試: 學會在期內緊貼形勢發展,加強防疫 措施,以保障考生及員工的健康和安 全。 除了按需要增加電腦應考模式考 試 (CBE) 及筆試 (PBE) 的場數,對於 因旅遊限制而無法來港應試的資格考 試海外考生,我們亦透過離岸專業團 體作出特別考試安排或提供遠程網上 考試。 2020 年 9 月起,考生可於學會 電子服務網站購買資格考試及註冊私 人財富管理師 (CPWP) 單元一考試的 電子版溫習手冊,方便快捷,更富彈 性。 While we closely monitored the pandemic situation, we implemented enhanced precautionary measures to safeguard the health and safety of our candidates and employees. We increased the number of Computer- based Examination (CBE) and Paper-based Examination (PBE) sessions where required to better cope w i t h t he demand f o r t he examinations. In addition, we offered special examination arrangements via overseas professional bodies or remote online examination for overseas LE candidates who could not travel to Hong Kong to sit for the examination due to travel restrictions. We also made our LE and CPWP Module 1 Examination eStudy Manuals available on sale on our Online Portal since September 2020 to provide more flexibility and convenience to candidates.