HKSI Institute AR2022

New Chapter, New Beginnings This year marks the HKSI Institute’s 25th anniversary. We have adapted and reinvented ourselves in the past 25 years to meet the needs of the financial services industry and committed to maintain our position as a standard bearer of integrity and professionalism for our industry. It is through Members and stakeholders’ l o n g s t a n d i n g d e d i c a t i o n a n d concerted effort that we stand proud of our achievements. As we celebrate our silver jubilee this year, the relocation of our Hong Kong office from Sheung Wan to Quarry Bay in May this year also signifies a new chapter for the Institute. New elements have been put in place in the new office to fit our new business model, and to enable us to deliver high quality services to whom we serve and provide a better working environment to our staff. The growth prospects of digital learning is positive and we will continue to expand our capabilities in digital learning solutions and offer effective learning solutions to a broad audience. On the examination service front, we have put remote examination offering at the top of the Institute’s agenda to provide greater flexibility and convenience for candidates. A robust remote invigilation solution is in the works and will be launched in the first half of 2023. Amid the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain committed in serving the industry and to deliver the same strong level of service to our stakeholders. With the HKSI I ns t i t u t e ’ s s t r ong l i neage and heritage, we are confident that we will continue to play a key role in supporting the initiatives to maintain Hong Kong’s position as a leading international financial centre. 慶祝銀禧之際,我們的總辦事處在 5 月 從上環遷往鰂魚涌,象徵學會邁向新 里程。新辦事處配備全新設施,配合 學會的新營運模式。這不僅利便我們 提供優質服務,亦改善了員工的工作 環境。 網上學習的增長前景良好。我們會繼 續研發更多網上學習方案,回應大眾 需求。 考試服務方面,學會視遙距考試為重 中之重,為考生提供更具彈性及方便 性的服務。我們已著手制訂穩健可靠 的遙距監察方案,預計可於 2023 上半 年實施。 儘管疫情陰霾仍在,我們將繼續致力 服務業界,確保服務質素不變。憑藉 學會的優良傳承和傳統,我們將繼續 擔當重要角色,全力配合及推行各項 措施,以鞏固香港國際金融中心的領 導地位。 謹致謝忱 學會得享現時的成就,實有賴會員、 監管機構及業內持份者大力支持,我 們謹致謝忱。另外,衷心感謝董事局 及各委員會成員賜予寶貴意見和指 導。全體員工不辭勞苦,敬業樂業, 亦使我們無言感激。 再次衷心感謝所有在過去二十五年來 曾為學會作出貢獻的人士!憑藉大家 的支持,我們必將再登高峰,迎來精 彩明天。 Colin SHAFTESLEY Chairman 主席石鈞年 Ruth KUNG Chief Executive 行政總裁孔慶詩 3 October 2022 2022 年 10 月 3 日 Acknowledgements and Recognitions We are privileged to have Members, regulators and industry stakeholders who are supportive of our work that has enabled the Institute to become established in its position today. Sincere thanks to our Board and Committee Members for their invaluable advice and guidance, as well as to the staff of the Institute for their dedication and hard work. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who have contributed to our amazing 25- year journey in so many ways, and here’s to many more great years ahead! 擁抱大灣區機遇 2021 年 4 月,學會開始夥拍澳門金融 學會於當地舉辦資格考試,以促進濠 江金融業的可持續發展。此舉也是我 們捕捉大灣區增長及合作機遇的長遠 策略之一。 為了配合學會在大灣區發展,董事局 已批准為期三年的「中國內地發展策略 (2021-2023) 」,並於 2022 年成立中國 委員會,希望通過我們在深圳全資擁 有的外商投資企業 (WFOE) ,為以大 灣區城市為基地的同業及會員提供更 多優質及多樣化的服務。深圳辦事處 的負責人賀媛媛女士已於 2021 年 8 月 履新,她將在中國委員會指導下執行 各項既定政策及措施。我們相信學會 在這優勢下將可進一步加強與業界主 要持份者的聯繫,並在區內提供更多 讓學員考取專業資格的課程和進修機 會。 同寫新篇 今年是學會創會 25 週年。在這四分一 世紀,我們因應金融服務業的需要不 斷求變,努力制定和捍衛標準,以秉 持業界操守及專業水平。承蒙會員和 持份者一路以來的無私付出和努力, 使我們取得種種成就。 05 香港證券及投資學會 二零二二年年報