HKSI Institute AR2020

MEMBER ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH INITIATIVES 會員參與及外展活動 40 Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute Annual Report 2020 BUSINESS REVIEW 業務回顧 We continued to offer a wide range of distinct programmes and a differentiated experience for our members, industry stakeholders and students by tapping into the vast connection and expertise of our membership and professional community Highlights 2019/2020 Members Only and Networking Events During the reporting period, 18 high-level relationship building events and talent grooming programmes were organised which attracted more than 1,400 enrolments. 學會借助會員及專業社群的專長和廣闊 人脈,持續為會員、業界及學生舉辦各 有特色的活動,讓參加者獲得不同體 驗。 2019/2020 年度大事紀要 會員專享活動及交誼活動 在報告期內,學會舉辦 18 項高層次的 交誼與人才培育活動,合計逾 1,400 人 次參與。 Types of Events 活動類型 Enrolments 參加人次 Members Only Event 會員專享活動 Networking Event 交誼活動 Talent Grooming 人才培育活動 39% 49% 33% 33% 28% 18%