HKSI Institute AR2020

STANDARDS & DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES 業界標準與發展 30 Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute Annual Report 2020 BUSINESS REVIEW 業務回顧 We offer a wide range of qualification examinations and professional development programmes for financial services practitioners and new entrants to acquire and fulfil their industry’s competency requirements, as well as to provide them with a clear career progression pathway. We currently offer four practising qualification examinations and five professional qualification examinations: Practising Qualification Examination 執業資格考試 Licensing Examination for Securities and Futures Intermediaries (LE) 證券及期貨從業員資格考試 MPF Intermediaries Examination 強積金中介人考試 PRC Securities Regulations Examination 內地證券市場基本法律法規考試 The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society (CGSE) Qualification Examination 金銀業貿易場資格考試 Professional Qualification Examination 專業資格考試 Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA) — Final Examination 註冊國際投資分析師期終資格考試 Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) Examination 註冊國際財富經理考試 Certified Private Wealth Professional (CPWP) Module 1 Examination 註冊私人財富管理師單元一考試 Investment Operations Certificate (IOC) 投資營運證書 Trust Training Certificate (TTC) Examination 信託培訓證書考試 學會舉辦一系列資格考試及專業培訓 活動,協助現職或有意晉身金融服務 業的人士達致對從業員的執業能力要 求,並為他們提供發展事業的清晰階 梯。 我們現時設有 4 項執業資格考試及 5 項 專業資格考試: 學會的專業培訓活動質素卓越,選擇 繁多,如面授課程、講座、午餐學習 會、圓桌午餐會、企業員工培訓及網 上課程。這些活動的形式各有不同, 但皆以增進從業員的專業能力和市場 知識為目標,可配合其獨特學習需 要。 除舉辦資格考試和專業培訓活動,學 會繼續推動由財經事務及庫務局撥款 設立的「資產財富管理業先導計劃」下 的「專業培訓資助計劃」 (FIS) 。「資產 財富管理業先導計劃」旨在支援更多在 職金融服務業從業員-尤其是資產財 富管理人員提升專業能力和水平,為 發展事業鋪路,並配合瞬息萬變的監 管要求。在專業培訓資助計劃下,合 資格從業員完成認可課程後,可獲發 還 80% 學費。 O u r c o m p r e h e n s i v e h i g h - quality professional development programmes offered in various f o r ma t s , i n c l u d i n g c o u r s e s , seminars, Lunch & Learn, roundtable luncheons, corporate trainings and digital learning solutions, aimed to enhance practitioners’ technical proficiency, market knowledge and address specific learning needs. A p a r t f r om o u r q u a l i f i c a t i o n examinations and professional deve l opmen t p r og r ammes , we continued to drive the Financial Incentive Scheme (FIS) initiative under the WAM Pilot Programme funded by FSTB. The WAM Pilot Programme aimed to support more in-service practitioners of the financial services especially the WAM sector and enhance their competency and professionalism for career advancement and meet the rapid changes in regulatory requirements. Under the FIS, eligible practitioners were reimbursed 80% of the course fees upon satisfactory completion of an eligible course.